According to the latest research done, interest rates continue to rise and South Africans are using 65% of their net income to service debt.
Servicing your debt and saving for your future may seem like a daunting task but it is not entirely impossible. By taking a hard look at your finances and prioritizing getting out of debt, you can change your debt-to-income ratio.
Debt review, also known as debt counseling, is a financial management program designed to assist individuals who are struggling with unmanageable debt. This service is a lifeline for those looking to regain control of their finances and work towards a debt-free future. The process involves a comprehensive assessment of an individual’s financial situation, the development of a structured repayment plan, and negotiations with creditors to secure more favorable terms.
The Benefits of Debt Review Services with DebtBüddy:
1). Structured Repayment: Debt review provides a structured and manageable way for individuals to repay their debts, often with reduced monthly payments.
2). Legal Protection: Legal protection shields clients from legal actions and harassment by creditors, providing a breathing space to focus on financial recovery.
3). Professional Guidance: The expertise of debt counsellors ensures that clients receive personalized financial guidance, helping them make informed decisions about their money.
4). Credit Score Improvement: While under debt review, clients are actively working towards repaying their debts, which can contribute to an improvement in their credit score over time.
DebtBüddy has played a crucial role in empowering individuals to regain control of their finances and work towards a debt-free future. By providing professional guidance, negotiating with creditors, and offering legal protection, our services offer a structured path to financial recovery.
If you find yourself overwhelmed by debt, consider exploring the option of debt review with DebtBüddy, to pave the way for a brighter financial future. Remember, taking the first step towards seeking help is a commendable stride towards financial well-being.